viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Back in the U.S.A.!

Klyff, my CSer road buddy, Tyler, a Sandiegan hitch hiker we picked up in the middle of nothing close to Manning Park, B.C., and I hit the border close to Osoyoos. I expected a long struggle and a series of funny questions about my personal life, and of course, a complete check of La Julia. After all, our looks justifies being suspected of everything considered illegal in the States. None of that. Two minutes and we where in! What! Have I lost my aura? Is this a sign? Sincronicity showed up in my shuffling I-tunes music: "Y volver, volver, voooollllveeeer!". Yes I'm back, I'm back, I'M BACK!
We had left rainy Vancouver looking for the sun. None. All our way into the U.S. and then all our way East from Washington State, Idaho, Montana and Utah, rain, cloudy skies, no sun, no sun, no sun. Even in Moab, Utah, we had alternate showers and sun. I feel urged to go back to Flagstaff. Klyff is OK. But then he mentions the sacred place: "Pity we can't make it to Monument Valley". My place. He doesn't know that, he doesn't know that Monument Valley is a slight divertion in our way to Flagstaff. I roll my dice. Six, six and six. That's an emphatic YES! So Monument Valley it is.
We drive there and we have enough time for me to show him my favorite spots. I do have time to go to my very special place and do my rituals. I do them. I can't stop crying.
We camp. I sleep in La Julia, Klyff in a tent. Early in the morning I get a wake up call from a horse. The sun is about to rise. I get up and get ready for my morning rituals to welcome the sun. And there he is! Beautiful, warm, welcoming. Not a cloud in the sky. My first full sunny day since I came from Argentina.
I am back.

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